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A. Sucena , F.D. Serrano Chica, S.L. Castro and S.A. Defior-Citoler,  "Cross-linguistic comparison between Portuguese and Spanish speaking dyslexic children", "Eldel Conference", None-None, 2011
E.I. Fuente Solana, C. Vargas Pecino, L.M. Lozano Fernandez, R. Aguayo and G.R. Cañadas De La Fuente,  "The Maslach Burnout Inventory: Meta-Analytic Study of Reliability Generalization", "APS 23rd Annual Convention", None-None, 2011
C. Vargas Pecino, R. Aguayo-Estremera, E.I. Fuente Solana and L.M. Lozano Fernandez,  "Estudio meta analítico de generalización de la fiabilidad del MBI", "XII Congreso de Metodología y de las Ciencias Sociales y de la Salud", None-None, 2011
L.M. Lozano Fernandez, E.I. Fuente Solana, G.R. Cañadas De La Fuente and C. Vargas Pecino,  "Bayesian Analyses of Some Burnout Risk Factors", "APS 23rd Annual Convention", None-None, 2011
N. Gutierrez Palma, S.A. Defior Citoler and N. Calet Ruiz,  "Prosodic sensitivity and the learning of punctuation marks in Spanish", "10TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF PSYCHOLINGUISTICS () (.2011.SAN SEBASTIÁN)", None-None, 2011
L.M. Lozano Fernandez, L. Saldaña, A. González , C. Vera, G.A. Cañadas De La Fuente, C. Vargas Pecino and E. García-Cueto,  "Bayesian ANOVA of the Burnout levels is a sample of health workers", "Bayesian Biostatistics Conference", None-None, 2011
F.D. Serrano Chica and S.A. Defior-Citoler,  "Relevance of accuracy and speed measures for identifying dislexia in Spanish", "Neuroscience and Education International Workshop", None-None, 2011
F.D. Serrano Chica, C.M. Hernández Garre and S.A. Defior-Citoler,  "TRAINING READING FLUENCY IN SPANISH WITH REPEATED AND ACCELERATED READING APPROACHES", "10th International Symposium of Psycholinguistics", None-None, 2011

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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